大紅袍的歷史The History of Da Hong Pao

古語有雲:「名山出名茶,名茶耀名山」相信曾遊覽武夷山的朋友,都一定到訪過有中國茶王美譽的武夷岩茶大 紅袍母樹。大紅袍母樹生長於天心岩九龍窠高岩峭壁上,終年有流水帶著岩頂的養份滋潤茶樹;優質生長環境令大紅袍湯色橙黃豔麗,岩韻顯著,滋味甜醇甘爽,口感順滑醇厚,香氣馥鬱幽長,淡雅的蘭花香更是令大紅袍自古成為了帝王御用的皇家貢品,一直深受品茶人士喜愛。
相傳清朝時,有一秀才進京趕考,途經武夷山天心寺,突覺肚疼鼓脹,方丈用九龍窠採制的茶葉開水沖泡後讓秀才喝下,秀才頓覺得神清氣爽,腹脹減退,病 癒後神思敏捷,過目不忘!臨行時方丈將一小包茶葉贈與秀才。進京後,秀才金榜題名、中了狀元。聞聽皇后肚疼鼓脹,太醫束手無策,狀元立即獻上此茶讓皇后服 下,果然茶到病除。皇上大喜,便御賜一件大紅袍交給狀元、讓他代表自己前去答謝。狀元回到武夷山,要替天叩謝老方丈,老方丈說:你不須謝我,要謝就謝這茶 樹吧!於是大家來到茶樹下,秀才將御賜大紅袍披在茶樹上頂禮膜拜,之後取下紅袍,只見茶樹周身泛著紫紅的光。後人便給這茶取名為「大紅袍」。話說回來,大 紅袍本身茶樹的嫩芽就呈紫紅色。
‘Renowned Teas Grows from Great Mountains’, a wise old saying that apples to Wuyi Mountains, known for producing famous rock teas, including Da Hong Pao Tea – the “King of Tea” in China. Originated from the Jiu Long Cave (Nine Dragon), Tian Xin Yan of Wuyi Mountains, the mother trees of Da Hong Pao Tea are nourished by the nutrients of the spring water flowing from the crevices of the rocks all year round. Due to its exceptional growing environment, Da Hong Pao Tea has a beautiful, bright orange yellow colour when brewed, with an evident rock taste that is sweet, mellow, smooth and refreshing, plus a long lasting floral fragrance and light orchid aroma. It was the designated Imperial Tribute Tea for the royal family during ancient times. Since then, it has become a favourite among tea lovers. Moreover, there are many fascinating stories added to the charm of Da Hong Po Tea such as the following:
An Anecdote of Chairman Mao’s Da Hong Pao Tea
It is said that Chairman Mao Zedong gave United States President Richard Nixon a gift of 4 taels of Da Hong Pao Tea (equivalent to 200g) during his visit to China. However, the amount was so small that President Nixon alluded to Mao’s stinginess to Premier Zhou Enlai. Premier Zhou laughed and replied, “Chairman actually gave half of his Chinese Empire.” He then explained, “Da Hong Pao is a precious tea and this amount constituted half of this year’s harvest, so it’s incredibly valuable.” President Nixon listened in awed silence.
The Legend of a Scholar
The story goes that during the Ming Dynasty, a young scholar was on his way to Beijing for the imperial civil service examinations but had stomach cramps with bloating near Tian Xin Temple of Wuyi Mountains. At the temple, he met a monk who treated him with the Da Hong Pao Tea grown from the Jiu Long Cave. After drinking the tea, the scholar immediately felt refreshed, less bloated and more agile, so the monk offered a small packet of the tea for him to continue his journey. Cured by the tea, the scholar went to the examination and won first place. Thereafter, the empress had stomach cramps with bloating but the doctors could not cure her. The scholar immediately brewed his tea to the empress who felt better after drinking. Learning this, the emperor was extremely grateful and awarded a red robe to the monk and sent the scholar to present the robe on his behalf. Returning to the Wuyi Mountains, the scholar thanked the monk who said, “You should thank the Da Hong Pao Tea Tree instead.” The scholar then went to the tree and expressed the emperor’s gratitude by covering it with the new red robe. The tea tree’s body glowed in purplish red, which is most likely the color of the tea tree buds. Since then, the tea has been called Da Hong Pao in Chinese, which literally means “Big Red Robe”.
如何取得有機茶認證The Steps to Becoming Certified Organic

As an organic tea producer, organic certification
is important for assuring customers about the organic quality of the tea. To qualify and label the tea as certified
organic, inspector of the certified agents is invited to examine all aspects of
the organic tea operation, including cultivation, processing and distribution
on-site. The examined factors include:
ecological environment of the organic tea plant, management of soil fertility
and fertilizer, pest and weed control, picking and transporting the fresh tea
leaves, processing, packaging, storage, transportation and distribution of the
final products for sale. During the
visit, the inspector may also collect tea samples for testing when deemed
The Steps to Becoming Certified Organic
有機茶更天然The Totally Natural Organic Tea Cultivation

During organic tea cultivation, ecological
environment protection is strictly enforced in which precautions are taken to
ensure all tea plants are free from chemicals, such as pesticides and
fertilizers. It requires highly
experienced and top quality skills to produce teas that are totally natural,
healthy, clean, pollution-free and tasty.
Here at Wuyistar, we had obtained our organic
certification from the world’s most reputable certification agency,
International IMO (Institute of Marketecology) of Switzerland. Its organic certification is recognized by
many developed countries or local governments, including the European Union,
United States and Japan.
The Totally Natural Organic Tea Cultivation
喝岩茶的好處The Health Benefits of Wuyi Rock Tea

武夷岩茶不僅僅可以解渴提神,而且還有較強的保健功效,常飲武夷岩茶有益健康早已被人們所認同。作為茶中"靈魂"的茶多酚在武夷岩茶中的含量高達 17%-26%,而一般的茶葉的含量僅為10%-20%;茶多糖含量達1.8%-2.9%,是紅茶的3.1倍、綠茶的1.7倍,茶氨酸的含量達1.1%。 它們都具有確切的藥理作用。武夷岩茶的茶多酚不僅含量高,而且組成物質多達30餘種,絕大多數都具有藥理作用。其中具有保健功能的核心成分EGCG含量達 8.18%。EGCG是一種兒茶素,目前無法人工合成,它在生物界的唯一來源就是茶葉。它對致癌物亞硝胺合作的阻斷率達到98.6%,對亞硝酸基的消除率 達96.9%,能有效防癌抗癌。茶多酚對自由基有很強的清除作用,其活性為等量的維生素C的4.93倍,所以它還具有預防抗衰老的功能。此外,茶多酚還可 以加速脂肪和膽固醇的代謝,能夠有效地降低血脂。茶多糖具有增強機體免疫力、抗凝血(抗血栓)等藥理作用。茶氨酸在茶葉中含量最高的氨基酸,對人 體具有:增強記憶力,提神鎮靜,保護神經細胞,提高免疫力的功效。
The Medicinal Properties of Wuyi Rock Tea by Dr.
Zheng Jingui, Headmaster of Fuijian Agriculture and Forestry University
Other than thirst quenching and mind awakening,
drinking Wuyi Rock Tea on a regular basis has a whole range of known health
benefits. Its health-giving properties
are mostly due to its richness in natural plant compounds: 17% – 26% of
polyphenols, which are highest among other teas that normally has 10 – 20% of
polyphenols; 1.8 – 2.9% of polysaccharides, which are 3.1 times and 1.7 times
more than black and green tea respectively; and 1.1% of theanine. Wuyi Rock Tea possess high contents of 30
different kinds of polyphenols with most having medicinal properties. Among the tea polyphenols, EGCG, a major
catechin in tea, is shown to exert greatest health benefits; it is estimated
that Wuyi Rock Tea has up to 8.18% of EGCG, which cannot be created
synthetically and can only be found mainly in tea plants. Studies have shown that EGCG can help prevent
and treat cancer by blocking the formation of nitrosamines and carcinogenic
activity up to 98.6%, plus eliminating N-nitroso compounds. Tea polyphenols are also known for their
antioxidant property that can neutralize free radicals; the antioxidant
activity level is 4.93 times greater than Vitamin C, which makes it a powerful
source for anti-aging. Besides, tea
polyphenols can boost metabolism of fat and cholesterol, which can in turn
decrease blood fat effectively. For tea
polysaccharides, it has immunity enhancing, anticoagulant, anti-thrombosis, and
other pharmacological effects. For
theanine, the most prevalent amino acid found in tea, its health properties
include: memory improvement, calming effect, protection of nerve cells and
immunity enhancement.
武夷岩茶的制茶工藝The Art of Wuyi Rock Tea Processing

武夷岩茶製作工藝結合了綠茶和紅茶的工藝,是工序最多、技術要求最高、最復雜的茶類。武夷岩茶的基本製作工藝為:採摘、萎凋、攤晾、搖青、做青、殺 青、揉撚、烘乾。每一道工序環環相扣,對茶的品質均有著重要的影響,其間蘊含精深的科學要義,是研究烏龍茶氣候與品質、內因變化與花香形成的重要科研課 題。2006年6月,武夷岩茶(大紅袍) 傳統制作技藝列入首批國家非物質文化遺產名錄。
1.採摘 2.萎凋一 -開青 3.萎凋二 -晒青 4.萎凋三 – 晾青
5.(做青)搖青 6.殺青 7.揉撚 8.烘乾
The collection and processing of Wuyi Rock Tea is considered the most complicated, which requires many steps, high-level skills and experience. Its technique is a compromise between green tea and black tea processing which involves: picking, withering, airing, tossing, making the green, killing the green, rolling and drying. Every step interlinks with one another and greatly impacts the tea quality. The complexity of the entire process has been subject to a lot of scientific researches, ranging from the climate influence, oolong tea quality, internal property changes and floral tea aroma formation. In June 2006, the traditional processing of Da Hong Pao Tea was elected as the first batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Picking Withering Step 1 Withering Step 2 Withering Step 3
Spreading Sun Wilting Airing
Tossing & Making the Green Killing the green Rolling Drying
武夷岩茶的保存方法The Best Storing Conditions For Wuyi Rock Tea

There is no need to keep Wuyi Rock Tea in the
fridge due to its unique, high firing temperatures. It can be well preserved naturally for three
years by simply kept in a dry and odorless environment with good
ventilation. Those who love drinking
aged tea can store it longer! Moreover,
the best container for storing Wuyi Rock Tea should be made of tin or

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